Amanda Garcia (she/her)

Amanda Garcia (she/her)

Transfer Specialist

About Amanda

Home Town: New Castle, Colorado

Favorite ice cream flavor: Hot Fudge Sundae

Hobbies: Running, Yoga, Hiking, Fishing, Hunting, Camping, Walking my dogs, Reading, Attending my kids’ activities

College Major(s): Psychology for Bachelor’s; Student Affairs for Master’s

Advice for going to college: Find a place on or off campus that feels good to study (out of your residence hall). And, introduce yourself to new people, everyone is excited to meet new people!

Favorite thing about UCCS: The hiking trails around campus and the beautiful views from anywhere on campus.

Favorite place in Colorado Springs: Any of the small, local coffee shops.

If you could have lunch with anyone (past or present), who would it be: My two daughters, I want to spend as much time with them as possible! And they are funny and interesting!

Fun fact about you: I can hold a headstand for a very long time.