Western Undergraduate Exchange Costs
Western Undergraduate Exchange Costs
The Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) offers eligible undergraduate students from western states and territories a discounted rate to attend UCCS. WUE students pay 150% of the in-state tuition rate instead of the full non-resident tuition rate. As of March 2023, the Traditional and Accelerated Nursing programs are eligible for the WUE tuition rate.
WUE eligibility is determined at the time of application, no further action is necessary. Admitted undergraduate students who are a resident of a WUE-eligible state or territory are awarded this tuition rate during the admission process.
Western Undergraduate Exchange Student
Western Undergraduate Exchange Student
(15 credits per semester/30 credits per year)
15 credit hours, Tuition and Fees: $20,478 (full year)
On-Campus Housing Expenses Range: $10,998-$14,198 (full year)
Total: $31,476-$35,456 (full year)
UCCS Chancellor's Award- Offered to high-achieving WUE first-time freshmen and transfer students. This $10,000 scholarship is automatically awarded over four years to highly-achieving UCCS first-year and transfer, WUE students.
Western Undergraduate Exchange-eligible states and territories:
- Alaska
- Arizona
- California
- Commonwealth of Northern Marianas Islands
- Guam
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Montana
- New Mexico
- Nevada
- North Dakota
- Oregon
- South Dakota
- Utah
- Washington
- Wyoming
Financial Resources
Bursar's Office Calculator
Use the Bursar's Office calculator to estimate your bill.